@database Rubbish_Dump @remark ********************************************************************* @node main "Rubbish Dump" __________ ________ / ______ / / ______ \ / / / / / / \ \ Rubbish Dump / / / / / / \ \ Version 1.1 / / / / / / \ \ / /_____/ / / / / / A trashcan on your / ________/ / / / / Workbench... That / \ / / / / is noisy! / /\ \ / / / / / / \ \ U B B I S H / / / / U M P / / \ \___________________/ /___________/ / /_/ \___________________________________/ 94-95 Lee Kindness @{" Introduction " link N_INTRO } @{" Installation " link N_INSTALL } @{" Configuration " link N_CONFIG } @{" Usage " link N_USAGE } @{" Distribution " link Distribution.doc/main } @{" Version History " link N_HISTORY } @{" Contact & Thanks " link N_CONTACT } @endnode @remark ********************************************************************* @node N_INTRO "Introduction" The Workbench trashcan... It's pretty pathetic isn't? Glad you agree. Rubbish Dump provides an easier alternative. You simply drag icons over a central trashcan on the Workbench... and they're deleted just like that. It also has a wee novelty - It can play a sample when you delete things (It actually uses @{" ARexx " link N_AREXX} so it can do what ever you want really). @endnode @remark ********************************************************************* @node N_INSTALL "Installation" The provided installer script will install Rubbish Dump. It requires the CBM Installer utility to be in your path. @endnode @remark ********************************************************************* @node N_CONFIG "Configuration" Rubbish Dump supports the following Workbench icon tooltypes: LEFTEDGE TOPEDGE : Specifies the co-ordinates of the trashcan icon on the Workbench. A negative or zero value will cause the icon to be positioned in a free space. Defaults to a free space. NAME : The text that will appear below the trashcan icon on the Workbench. Defaults to "Rubbish Dump". ICON : The icon that will be placed on the Workbench as the trashcan icon. Note that the icon name should not have ".info" at the end. The Install script will copy some trashcan icons to DEVS:Icons (by default) so this tooltype should normally read: ICON=DEVS:Icons/*** where *** is the name of one of the icons in DEVS:Icons. Defaults to using the program icon. REXXPORT REXXCMD : See @{" ARexx " link N_AREXX}. The above arguments are also supported as Shell parameters, following the following format: X=LEFTEDGE/K/N,Y=TOPEDGE/K/N,I=ICON/K,N=NAME/K, RP=REXXPORT/K,RC=REXXCMD/K,CX_PRIORITY/K/N: @endnode @remark ********************************************************************* @node N_USAGE "Usage" For best effect Rubbish Dump should be placed in you WBStartup drawer (the installation script will always do this). You will then have a trashcan on your Workbench everytime you use your Amiga. To delete a file or directory you simply drag its icon over the trashcan. You can of course delete multiple objects at a time by shift-selecting icons. All files within a directory will be deleted if you drag a drawer or disk over the trashcan. If a file is proteced from deletetion then a requester will ask if you really wish to delete it. A requester will pop up if any other errors occur, zb: trying to delete a drawer/file in use (assigned?). May you enjoy your deletion (the sound samples help :) @endnode @remark ********************************************************************* @node N_AREXX "ARexx support" Rubbish Dump uses ARexx to play the sound sample after every deletion. The sound is played by Upd. You can however use this feature to do whatever you want. zb: You could launch an ARexx script, use a module player to play a short module... This feature is controled by the following tooltypes REXXPORT : The port that the ARexx command will be sent to. Defaults to "PLAY". REXXCMD : The command to be sent to the above port. Defaults to "id TRASH". So if you wanted to launch an ARexx script you'd use: REXXPORT=REXX REXXCMD=